Hi….!! My name is Indah Maya Safitri, but you can call me Maya. I was born on 23rd of October,1995. Now, I`m 13 years old. I`m a year seven bilingual class student at Junior High School 1 Sidayu. I like reading book. I`ve an aspiration to be a smart girl. My favourite colour are green and blue. My favourite food`s fried chicken. My favourite drink`s tea.
I live with my family. There are 8 other people in my family. They`re father, mother, an old brother, 4 old sisters, and a young brother. I`ve got are parents. My father name`s Mr.Harir, he`s a merchant. My mother`s called Mrs.Nadhifah, she`s a housewife. I`ve got an old brother, his name`s Yayak. I`ve got 4 old sisters, they`re Pipit, Leli, Wiwin, and Feni. I`ve got a young brother`s called Wildan. My families happy family.
My families home`s really beautiful, clean, and comfortable. It`s in Kauman Village number 41-Sidayu District-Gresik Regency-East Java. It has 4 bedrooms, a livingroom, a sittingroom, a diningroom, a kitchen, a prayroom, and 3 bathrooms. It has a yard on the East. The yard`s narrow and full of plants. My families home`s very quiet, especially at night.
Assalaamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusyour blog is very good, may i know how to make a calender, clock, and snow...
and your write is very good...
wassalaamualaikum. Wr. Wb
BalasHapusmay,your blog is very-very good.And your write is very good.
BalasHapusyour blog is very good and your write is very good.
BalasHapusYour writing is good. but your colour word is not good. please change...!!!
assalamualaiku WR.WB.
BalasHapusHELLO MAYA!You writing is good. the color word less bright. thanks
BalasHapusYou write is good. and your blog is good !! Ok ?!!!!!
BalasHapusMaya,,,your blog is good.but the colour your write is bright over.Actually you must follow me,or you give black colour in your write.okay!!!
BalasHapusMay,your blog is very-very good,But your blog don't has a calender.And your write is very good.
BalasHapusmaya your write is good.so,i like it
but,there is little decrease that is your background.your background is dark.so,please change it.ok????????????????????
BalasHapusMaya your blog is very good. I like your blog. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!