Hi….!! My name is Indah Maya Safitri, but you can call me Maya. I was born on 23rd of October,1995. Now, I`m 13 years old. I`m a year seven bilingual class student at Junior High School 1 Sidayu. I like reading book. I`ve an aspiration to be a smart girl. My favourite colour are green and blue. My favourite food`s fried chicken. My favourite drink`s tea.
I live with my family. There are 8 other people in my family. They`re father, mother, an old brother, 4 old sisters, and a young brother. I`ve got are parents. My father name`s Mr.Harir, he`s a merchant. My mother`s called Mrs.Nadhifah, she`s a housewife. I`ve got an old brother, his name`s Yayak. I`ve got 4 old sisters, they`re Pipit, Leli, Wiwin, and Feni. I`ve got a young brother`s called Wildan. My families happy family.
My families home`s really beautiful, clean, and comfortable. It`s in Kauman Village number 41-Sidayu District-Gresik Regency-East Java. It has 4 bedrooms, a livingroom, a sittingroom, a diningroom, a kitchen, a prayroom, and 3 bathrooms. It has a yard on the East. The yard`s narrow and full of plants. My families home`s very quiet, especially at night.